Realizing a 360 degree view of your customer…

The problem we are looking to solve is the change in realizing a 360 degree view of your customer for the medical devices industry. Most companies that I deal with are struggling with leveraging customer relationship management (CRM) solutions that live in the cloud versus the traditional ‘on-premise’ applications. In this blog post I will give Read More

Now that you bought that new iPad…

Like many folks I recently purchased my first tablet. So the purpose of this blog post is to understand where these devices can help, and how best to use them. I wrote a blog post back on February 14, 2011 entitled “Managing my data…” in which I described that we are far from being able to Read More

Book review and Summary: “Never Sell Alone”

Todd Cohen’s book “Never Sell Alone” is for both seasoned sales veterans, and most of us who support the sales cycle. Sometimes a book comes along at the right time in your career. “Never Sell Alone” is just that book. I would strongly recommend this book. It will help you recognize what you currently do well and provide a framework (broken do by chapter – with questions – and situational examples) so that you can then concentrate on improving that part of your selling ability.